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Course Creators

Course Creators are the powerhouse of Oasis, working collaboratively in teams to develop new and advanced skills. By joining the course creator team, one is able to share and gain valuable knowledge that will also help their community through educational material, real world projects, and community building. Course Creators are eager to learn and help others in new technologies.



Designers are a key part of supporting Oasis and respective courses with essential branding and guidelines in an effort to enhance and elevate resources and course material. The design team is a great way to show case skills while providing meaningful help to the greater community.



The operations team is instrumental in helping better facilitate and handle various facets of the Oasis community. Oasis prides itself on the smoothness and efficiency of supporting students through initiatives like student-led courses which is largely thanks to the operations team.


Media & Journalists

Journalists along with the media team will help write stories about the amazing achievements students and their teams make to the community! This is the place where you can bring out your inner journalist and write impactful stories about the great work that goes into students leading courses about what they care for.
